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Alto Lakes Special Zoning District

The Commission holds regular meetings at the Alto Lakes Golf & Country Club at 9:00 am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
All Alto Lakes property owners, regardless of residency, are invited to attend and participate in meetings.

Orderly, Harmonious, and Sound Development

Welcome to the website of the Alto Lakes Special Zoning District. The Zoning District is required, by New Mexico Law, to operate fully under the principals of open government. Meeting agendas must be published in advance, meetings and hearings must be open, and meeting minutes must be published in a timely manner. This web site is an extension of the Commission's philosophy of providing all possible means for Alto Lakes’ property owners, regardless of residency, to participate fully in the operation of the District.

The ALSZD was created in September 2004 in accordance with the New Mexico Special Zoning District Act. The District is managed by an elected, five-member Commission. It is the governmental authority charged with adopting and enforcing zoning and land use restrictions for Alto Lakes.


On February 20, 2006, the Zoning District was officially removed from the jurisdiction of the Ruidoso - Lincoln County Extra-territorial Zone (ETZ) which is administered by the Village of Ruidoso. It required nearly a year to obtain the required approvals from the County Commission, the Ruidoso Village Council, and the ETZ Authority. The ALSZD is now the sole local government entity with zoning jurisdiction within the District boundaries.

The operation of the District is supported by user fees.

The District is not affiliated with, nor a part of, the Alto Lakes Golf and Country Club or the Club’s Architectural Control Committee.